Chocolate Nutty Truffles


  • 4 cups Dates – pitted
  • ½ cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder
  • 1 cup Old Fashioned Oats – uncooked
  • 1 cup Sliced Almonds
  • ½ cup Walnuts
  • ½ cup Pecans
  • ½ cup Unsweetened Coconut Flakes
  • 1 cup Dried Cranberries


Preheat the oven at 350 degrees. Place pitted dates in warm water for 10 minutes. Place the almonds, walnuts, and pecans on an ungreased sheet pan. Place the sheet pan in the preheated oven. Drain dates and place into a food processor. Add the cocoa powder, and oats. Place the lid on and process until well incorporated. Now add the almonds, walnuts, pecans, and cranberries. Process all the ingredients by pulsing the food processor so that the mixture stays chunky. Once the desired texture has been achieved, transfer the mixture into a bowl. Begin making the truffles by scooping the mixture into the palm of your hand using a teaspoon. Using the palm of your hands and moving them in a circular motion to begin shaping the truffles. Once the desired ball shape has been achieved transfer the truffle to a sheet pan. Continue until all the mixture has been shaped into truffle balls. Place the shredded coconut into a dry bowl. Begin rolling the truffle balls into the shredded coconut and place back on the sheet pan.  Repeat until all truffle balls have been covered in the shredded coconut. Refrigerate until time of consumption.

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