How are parathyroid tumors treated?

Once the parathyroid gland containing the tumor has been identified, that gland is usually removed.

At Miami Cancer Institute, most parathyroidectomies (removals) are done using minimally invasive techniques that do not require a hospital stay. We also have an assay machine in the operating room to check parathyroid hormone levels during surgery to ensure the treatment is successful and prevent unnecessary exploration or treatment.

Tumor Board

Tumor Board

A multidisciplinary team of cancer experts including surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, plastic reconstructive surgeons, pathologists, radiologists, genetic counselors, medical geneticists, social workers, patient navigators and clinical trials staff meet weekly to discuss select complex cases and determine the best course of care.

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials

Miami Cancer Institute can provide access to clinical trials not widely available elsewhere. Clinical trials find new ways to treat and diagnose cancer and are ongoing. If an appropriate trial is available, we will talk to you about the benefits and risks.

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