The Barbara C. Gutin Pre and Postpartum Program is part of the Lynn Women’s Health & Wellness Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. In collaboration with Toppel Family Place, the program addresses the unique medical, emotional and psychosocial needs of new parents before and after their child’s birth. The services include nurse navigation, pelvic physical therapy, group or individual counseling, infant feeding support and nutrition education. Our dedicated, professional staff is here to help you and your family as you welcome your new baby.

Learn more about our in-person childbirth classes.

Schedule an appointment with our OB Nurse Navigator. For questions or additional information, call 561-955-MAMA (6262).

Explore our support services

Nurse navigation

Our Gutin program offers access to a Nurse Navigator, your care advocate, helping you find the appropriate resources for your baby and family. For questions, call 561-955-MAMA (6262) or send a message.

Breastfeeding and infant feeding support

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class (In-person)

Register Today

Prenatal Breastfeeding Class (Virtual)

Register Today

Breastfeeding Support Group

Register Today

For lactation support or to schedule a complimentary, in-person consultation call 561-955-5415.

Understanding Birth – an online course

The “Understanding Birth” online course covers essential information about labor and highlights ways partners can help throughout the process. While not intended to replace a live in-person or virtual class, this course is a great resource to prepare you for birth.

You can access the course from any internet-enabled computer or mobile device, and it takes approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete.

Topics covered

  • Pregnancy
  • Labor
  • Birth Stories
  • Comfort Techniques
  • Medical Procedures
  • Cesarean Birth
  • Newborns
  • Postpartum

Register today to get started. The course is free to patients registered to deliver at Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s Toppel Family Place or another Baptist facility. Cost for non-patients: $35.

After registering, you will receive an email with login instructions. You will have access to the online course and all the resources described above for nine months.

Questions? Call 561-955-MAMA (561-955-6262) or send an email to

Pelvic health physical therapy

Our specialized pelvic floor physical therapists are on hand to help with any pelvic floor disorders and conditions related to pregnancy.

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence, urgency or frequency
  • Scar restrictions due to vaginal tearing
  • Episiotomy or C-section
  • Lower back, hip or tailbone pain
  • Discomfort or difficulty with sex

Learn More

You’ll need a referral from your doctor or nurse practitioner.

To make an appointment, call 561-955-2100.

For questions and information, call 561-955-3549.

Mommy Matters support groups

Support groups allow new moms to share thoughts, feelings and experiences in a safe environment led by certified mental health counselors. Mothers gather to connect, encourage and empower each other.

Download Flyer

Register Here

Individual counseling

For one-on-one support as you adjust to life with your new baby, individual counseling is available. Call 561-955-MAMA (6262).

Mommy Matters Lecture Series

Topics include prenatal and postpartum care, nutrition, mental health, self-care, pelvic therapy, heart health and more.

For a list of upcoming lectures, send an email to

Mommy Nutrition Series

A healthy baby starts with a healthy pregnancy. Baptist Health South Florida now offers a free on-demand video nutrition series for expectant mothers.


Prenatal Nutrition On-Demand Video Series

Maternal heart health

Gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, pre-eclampsia and eclampsia may increase a woman’s lifetime risk for developing heart disease.

To schedule an appointment with Heather Johnson, MD, Preventive Cardiologist, call 561-955-2131.

On-Demand Video Library

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