Note: * - Presented by Community Partner
Toppel Family Place Tour
Join our OB Nurse Navigator for a monthly Maternity Virtual Tour & Information Session from 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Prenatal Breastfeeding Class
This class offers expectant moms the assurance and knowledge needed to establish successful breastfeeding. Our Lactation Consultant/RN will discuss the physiology of lactation, preparation, and the many benefits of breastfeeding for both mom and baby. Dads-to-Be are also welcome. Please bring a baby doll or stuffed animal.
Date & Time: Dates/Times vary.
Use link below for schedule.
Location: Lynn Women’s Institute
690 Meadows Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486
Cost: $40
Seating is limited. Click here to register.
Zoom Option: Dates and times vary. Click here to register and when the next scheduled class is available, you will receive an email.
For more information, please call our Lactation Line at 561-955-5415.
Basics of Baby Care
Learn about the basics of caring for your newborn. A registered nurse teaches skills for parents to care for the newborn. Topics include diapering, cord care, bathing, and early parenting. This two hour class is recommended for first-time expectant parents. Please bring a baby doll or stuffed animal suitable for diapering. Adoptive parents are also welcome. Class is offered once a month.
Space is limited. Registration is required.
Date & Time: Dates / times vary. Use link below for schedule.
Location: Lynn Women’s Institute
690 Meadows Road, Boca Raton, FL 33486
Phone: 561-955-MAMA (561-955-6262) or
Cost: $40
Click here for schedule and to register.
Boot Camp For New Dads*
Boot Camp For New Dads is a men-only workshop for guys expecting their first baby. During the 3-hour workshop, the “Coach” shares useful and practical pre-birth, day-of-birth, and post-birth tips. When available, “Veteran” dads (w/ their babies), join the “Rookie" dads-to-be to share their first year experiences of what fatherhood is really like. The Vets also answer questions, address concerns, change diapers, showcase their baby-bags, and share how they and their families are tackling common issues faced by new parents.
- Forming a new family.
- Developing a parenting team that works.
- Supporting new Mom and caring for new Baby.
- Pre-birth and post-birth preparation.
- Trouble-shooting crying babies, postpartum depression, and shaken-baby syndrome.
- Becoming the dad you want to be, bonding with baby, and building your relationship before baby arrives.
The live interactive workshop is $30 for each dad-to-be, which includes in-class handouts and our new interactive online e-Guide called “Welcome to Fatherhood”. The $30 fee is taken at the door (cash or check).
Class held at Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s Education Center.
Prenatal Yoga*
This prenatal class provided an opportunity to develop greater vitality and awareness of your body that is now home for two, as well as to deepen your relationship with your baby. Gentle posture, breath work, visualizations, vocal toning and meditation are learned to cultivate flexibility, calm and confidence in preparation for labor and childbirth. Enhance relaxation, comfort and enjoyment as you learn techniques to reduce pain and increase the joy of giving birth. No prior yoga experience necessary. Doctor’s written release is required at registration.
For more information, please call 561-617-0005
When having your baby with HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method, what you experience is similar to the day dreaming or focusing that occurs when you are engrossed in a book or staring at a fire. You will be relaxed, but fully in control. You will be aware of your body’s sensations and surges, but will be able to determine the extent to which you feel the surge. You will experience your birthing in an atmosphere of calm and relaxation, without fear and tension that cause discomfort. Your body’s natural relaxant (endorphins) will replace the stress hormones that create pain. When it is time for your baby to be born, you will be fully awake and involved.
For more information on HypnoBirthing® The Mongan Method, please call 561-865-5692
Childbirth Class Presented by Baptist Health
This one-day program prepares couples for the birth of their first child by discussing birthing options and practicing birthing skills, Taught by certified childbirth educators, topics includes breathing and relaxation techniques, use of guided imagery, anesthesia used in labor and pushing techniques.
This class is offered most months. Couples are asked to bring 2 pillows and a blanket to class.
Space is limited. Registration is required.
Dates & Time: Dates/Times vary.Use link below link for schedule.
Place: Dawson Theater in Education Center at BRRH
Phone: 561-955-MAMA (561-955-6262)
Fee: $110
Click here to register.
Childbirth Classes with Nurse Diane*
Your complete class to guide you from pregnancy to labor and delivery and beyond.... This one-day workshop is taught by an experienced labor and delivery nurse. Class is offered one Sunday each month. Class education includes topics of comfort measures, labor support, cord stem cell collection, infant sleep and car seat safety, baby basics and more! Class is recommended for first time parents as well as a refresher for second time parents. Home private classes are available too.
Great class for scheduled cesarean section deliveries as well. Students are provided with a FREE workbook to take home. The workbook is easy to follow during class and acts as a reference guide for you after class and childbirth. Come learn, laugh, and have fun with Nurse Diane Ellen!
Time: 9:00am - 5:00pm
Place: Dawson Theater in Education Center at BRRH
Phone: 561-302-1919
Fee: $99
Also available! Private in-your-home class! A 4-hour combination class is most popular (½ Childbirth and ½ Infant CPR-choking baby).
For more information, please call 561-302-1919 or visit
Understanding Birth Online Courses
The "Understanding Birth" online course covers essential information on labor and more, and highlights ways partners can help throughout the process. While not intended to take the place of a live in-person or virtual class, this course is a great resource to prepare you for birth.
The course may be accessed from any computer or mobile device with an Internet connection and takes approximately 4-6 hours to complete.
For patients registered to deliver at Boca Raton Regional Hospital, this course is free and brought to you by the Barbara C. Gutin Pre and Postpartum Program.
Online Course Chapters
- Pregnancy
- Labor
- Birth Stories
- Comfort Techniques
- Medical Procedures
- Cesarean Birth
- Newborns
- Postpartum
Cost: $35 (Free to patients registered to deliver at Boca Raton Regional Hospital’s Toppel Family Place, or another Baptist facility.)
Click here to register.
You will receive an email with login instructions. You will have access to the online course and all of the resources described above for 9 months.
Questions? Call 561-955-MAMA (561-955-6262) or send an email to
Outpatient Lactation Services
We are proud to offer an in-hospital, outpatient program to assist with your breastfeeding needs. Our international board-certified lactation consultants/RNs from Toppel Family Place provide one-on-one instruction and support to breastfeeding mothers to help assure a successful experience.
Place: Lynn Women's Institute
Please call at 561-955-5415 to schedule an appointment or for more information.
Breastfeeding Education & Support Groups
Our Breastfeeding Support Groups are led by our international board-certified lactation consultants/RNs, and open to new moms to answer questions, provide education and support, regardless of where you had your baby.
Join us on Zoom on Tuesdays at 12 p.m. Click here to register.
Join us in-person on Fridays at 2 p.m. Click here to register.
For questions or more information, call our Lactation Line at 561-955-5415, or 561-955-MAMA (6262, Option #4).
Barbara C. Gutin Pre and Postpartum Program
The Barbara C. Gutin Pre and Postpartum Program at the Lynn Women's Institute in collaboration with Toppel Family Place addresses the unique medical, emotional, and psychosocial needs of expectant and postpartum women. The program provides services for prenatal patients and new moms in their “Fourth Trimester” healing both physically and emotionally. Services include nurse navigation, pelvic physical therapy, group or individual counseling, infant feeding support, and nutrition education. Our dedicated, professional staff is here to assist you and your family.
Click here to be directed to the Gutin Pre and Postpartum webpage. For more information call 561-955-MAMA (955.6262) or email