Acerca de Robert Thomas Wicks, MD

Educación y entrenamiento


8950 North Kendall Drive, Suite 407W
Miami, FL 33176
Teléfono: 786-596-3876
filtrar: 786-533-9989
Llama para hacer una cita Cómo llegar
8900 North Kendall Drive, Miami Cancer Institute
Miami, FL 33176
Teléfono: 786-596-2000
filtrar: 305-279-7778
Llama para hacer una cita Cómo llegar

Seguros aceptados

Alt textNota: Los planes de salud que están actualmente contratados con Baptist Health se enumeran a continuación. Sin embargo, consulte con su proveedor de seguros para verificar que Baptist Health forma parte de su red de proveedores.
Aetna Better Health/Healthy Kids
  • Medicare
  • HMO
  • POS
  • PPO
  • Entrust
  • HMO
  • Medicare
  • POS
  • Select Plus PPO/POS
CarePlus Health Plans
  • Great West
  • HMO
  • POS
  • PPO
Devoted Health
Dimension Health
Dimension International
Doctors HealthCare Plans
First Health Network
  • BlueCare
  • Medicare HMO
  • MyBlue
  • Options
  • POS
  • PPO
  • Select
Florida Community Care
Global Excel
Great West Healthcare(A CIGNA comp)
Humana Commercial/Medicare/HMO/PPO
Humana Medicare
  • Medicaid
Neighborhood Health Plan (NHP)
Oscar Health Plan
Preferred Care Network fka Medica
Private Healtcarecare Systems (PHCS
  • Select
United Healthcare
  • HMO
  • NHP
  • POS
  • PPO

Calificaciones y opiniones

La Calificación de Satisfacción del Paciente es un promedio de todas las respuestas a las preguntas relacionadas con los proveedores de atención que se muestran a continuación de nuestra Encuesta de Satisfacción del Paciente de Press Ganey, reconocida a nivel nacional. Los pacientes que reciben tratamiento en entornos ambulatorios u hospitalarios pueden recibir encuestas diferentes y el volumen de respuestas variará según la pregunta.

star icon 4.9 / 5
55 Calificaciones, 8 Opiniones
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Likelihood of recommending this provider
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Provider explained things clearly
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Provider showed concern
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Provider included you in decisions
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Provider discussed treatment options
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Everyone was terrific. Have more questions I will try to reach out
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It was great.
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Excellent doctor
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Dr. Wicks is amazing.
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five-star icon
Both Dr. Wicks and all the employees in his office are A++++. Each in the position he occupies. Dr. Wicks and his assistants explain to the patient in great detail their state of health, treatment to follow, options, etc. They take the time. Everyone in that office treats patients with great professionalism but also shows you that your patients and their health are very important to them
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five-star icon
Dr. Wicks took the time to explain my imaging and comparisons, explaining everything so it was easy to understand. Very much appreciated always that he takes the time to make sure I understand everything. Very caring and attentive always!
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My attending physician was very good. He is a professional!
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five-star icon
It is a practice that transmits confidence.

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