Prospective applicants may choose to shadow under the supervision of a Baptist Health employee or medical staff member, including physicians. Visiting Physicians may shadow on rounds, watch procedures and attend teaching conferences.

The Visiting Physician program is open to independently licensed physicians (M.D., DO, DPM, DDS, DMD) who meet the criteria outlined in the application packet. The duration of the observership is at the discretion of the clinician and can last up to four weeks. An observership is a voluntary experience that does not constitute employment, compensation, medical education or any training leading to academic credit, licensure or board certification. Baptist Health will not issue grades or written evaluations for this program.

How to Apply

  1. Collect the required documents
  2. Contact a prospective sponsoring clinician
  3. Complete the online application
  4. Return all required documents a minimum of two weeks prior to the intended start date
  5. Upon review and approval of your application we will contact you with an approval email from the Baptist Health Office of Academic Affairs indicating next steps.

Administrative Fee

A non-refundable administrative fee must be paid to Baptist Health upon acceptance of your application.

  • Visiting Physicians: $250
  • Additional fees may be collected at the discretion of the receiving department that the observership experience will take place.
Baptist Health Office of Academic Affairs

Program Administrator

Baptist Health Office of Academic Affairs

Eligibility Requirements and Application Schedule

Our program attracts, educates, and retains exceptional healthcare talent to serve the South Florida community. Program participants will be trained in the Baptist Health Way with a focus on quality, inclusion, compassion, and collaboration.

Eligibility Prerequisites

  • Participants must beindependently licensed physicians (M.D., DO, DPM, DDS, DMD)

Application Requirements

  • Complete program application
  • Government-issued photo ID
  • Copy of current medical license
  • Letter of support from the sponsoring physician, academic program or medical director
  • Sponsor Approval and Supplemental Health Form

International Applicants

  • International Eligibility form (Non-US Citizens/Non-US Residents)
Acceptance and admission to the program is contingent on submission of all requested materials and meeting all eligibility requirements as determined by the program.

Application Timeline

  • Where do applicants go to apply?
    1. Download required application forms
    2. Submit Online Application
  • When are applications accepted? All Year
  • When are candidate interviews? N/A
  • When are candidates matched/notified of acceptance? Within two weeks of receiving a completed application
  • When does the program start? All Year

Application Forms

Please download and complete any required forms* below before proceeding to the online program application.

La vida en el sur de Florida

Días soleados, gente cálida y una comunidad multicultural: todo esto le espera cuando se incorpore a Baptist Health South Florida.

Together we’re unstoppable.

As a mission-driven, not-for-profit organization, philanthropy makes the difference between what we can do and what we must do to impact the lives of patients.

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