The schedule of tuition and fees are reviewed annually and are subject to change.

All tuition and fees are due and payable by 12:00 P.M. (Noon) on the day of registration. The College accepts credit card payments only through The student makes payments through our Orbund/Einstein student information system. American Express, Discover, VISA, MasterCard, and automatic (ACH) checking are accepted.  E-Check will not be accepted.

Tuition $110 per credit

Administrative Fees
Admission Application $100
Course Add/Drop $10
Graduation $150
Late Registration $100
Library late return $0.25 per day
Promissory Note $50
Replacement Degree $25
Replacement Student ID $10
Replacement Parking Decal $5
Returned Check Fee $25
Transcript Request $10

Education and Testing Fees
NCLEX/ARRT Review $500
Pre-Admission TEAS for applicants (nursing) $90
Pre-Admission TEAS for non-applicants (nursing) $100
Skills Lab Kit (nursing) $130
Skills Lab fee (nursing) $2,650
ASRT student membership (radiography) $70

Students are responsible for the purchase of uniforms, books, and supplies independently of the College fee structure.

Financial Aid

At this time the College does not participate in Federal Student Loan programs. Students who are also employees of Baptist Health South Florida, and who are in an eligible benefit-earning status can request to participate in the organization’s tuition assistance program. Employees should contact the Human Resources Department for more information regarding this program.

All students are encouraged to seek outside financial support sources, such as private scholarships and loans, to supplement the cost of tuition. Students eligible for private loans are required to complete a private loan application with their lender of their choice. The application should be requested directly from the lender.

Listed below are possible sources of institutional or corporate sources of funding for prospective students. Please see the Academic Catalog for complete information regarding criteria, application procedures, deadlines and amounts awarded.

  • Tuition Reimbursement – Please refer to Policy BHSF-4100.
  • Bethesda College of Health Sciences Nursing Scholarship – Available to nursing students after their second semester in the program. It is both a merit and needs- based scholarship.

La vida en el sur de Florida

Días soleados, gente cálida y una comunidad multicultural: todo esto le espera cuando se incorpore a Baptist Health South Florida.

Together we’re unstoppable.

As a mission-driven, not-for-profit organization, philanthropy makes the difference between what we can do and what we must do to impact the lives of patients.

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