Watch Now: Navigating the Supermarket, 3 Tips for Buying Whole Grains
1 min. read
Seeking a heart healthy diet? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that you eat fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish and nuts. But limit your servings of red meat and sugary foods and beverages, the AHA says.
Grain-based foods are products made from wheat, oats, rice, barley, or other grains. Specific foods made from grains include: breakfast cereals, bread, tortillas, grits and pasta. There are two kinds of grain-based foods: Refined grains and whole grain products. See related story: Whole Grains and Your Health (Video)
“Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm,” according to the USDA. “Refined grains have been milled, a process that removes the bran and germ. This is done to give grains a finer texture and improve their shelf life, but it also removes dietary fiber, iron, and many B vitamins. Aim to make at least half of your grains eaten, whole grain choices.
As a food group, whole grains deliver plenty of nutrients that can reduce your risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and obesity. But what’s the best way to shop for whole grain products? Here are three shopping tips from Lucette Talamas, a registered dietitian with Baptist Health.
Ms. Talamas recently went shopping at Norman Brothers Produce, one of the oldest family-run businesses in South Florida. The Baptist Health South Florida News Team tagged along as she filled her cart. Watch now.
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