Watch Now: Marcus Neuroscience Institute Delivers Safe, Effective Care During Pandemic
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Today is World Spine Day 2020. Since an estimated one billion people worldwide suffer with spinal pain, it is an opportune time to remind everyone to take steps to restore their spinal health. Pandemic lockdown restrictions and a resultant lack of physical activity have increased people’s susceptibility to spinal pain and disability.
The pandemic has also caused some people to delay care and physical therapy because they are afraid of contracting COVID-19. But there are many health issues that must be promptly treated to achieve the best long-term outcomes, says Frank D. Vrionis, M.D., MPH, Ph.D., director and chief of neurosurgery at Marcus Neuroscience Institute at Boca Raton Regional Hospital. In this video message, he highlights the robust protocols the Institute has implemented to maximize patient safety and effective care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Keeping Patients Safe and Healthy
“Peopleshould not postpone visiting a doctor due to fear,” Dr. Vrionis said. “We aregoing above and beyond to ensure the safety of our patients. Our staff memberswear masks and personal protective equipment and adhere to strict handwashingguidelines. We provide masks for our patients, conduct screenings andtemperature checks as they enter the Institute and maintain strict socialdistancing protocols.”
TheInstitute’s common spaces and patient waiting rooms and treatment areas aredeep cleaned thoroughly via surface cleaning, antimicrobial foggers and UVlight disinfection. Surgical patients attend preoperative classes via Zoommeetings and receive drive-up COVID-19 tests prior to their procedures. And toensure smooth transitions and efficient care, the Institute’s surgicaltreatment areas are centrally located within the same building so patients can stayat the Institute the entire time.
Proactive Steps to Maintain Good Health
“It isimportant for people to prioritize their health and see a doctor if they areexperiencing health concerns,” Dr. Vrionis advised. “When it comes to conditionsaffecting the nervous system, delaying treatment can cause complications andworsen outcomes.” High-priority conditions include spinal cord or nervecompression, stroke, tumors, fluid in the brain, seizures and memory andbalance disorders.
Patientshave the option to schedule a virtual visit with one of the Institute’s expertsto begin the diagnostic process and determine the next steps in a treatmentplan. Many insurance companies and the Centers for Medicare & MedicaidServices have broadened access to telehealth services so patients can receive awider range of services without traveling to a healthcare facility.
At the Forefront of Stem Cell Therapeutics
Patientsseeking neurologic and neurosurgical care at Marcus Neuroscience Institutereceive the most advanced treatments from some of the most respected cliniciansin their fields. Dr. Vrionis and Khalid A. Hanafy, M.D., Ph.D., the Institute’s directorof Research, have initiated clinical trials using stem cells in critically illCOVID patients and are expanding research and clinical trials using stem cellsto treat stroke and brain tumors. “These therapeutic innovations can improve thequality of life for our patients,” Dr. Vrionis said.
Healthcare that Cares
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