Watch Now: Justin's Story - Winning The Fight Against Pneumonia
1 min. read
(VIDEO: Arcenio Chacon, M.D., medical director, pediatric intensive care at Baptist Children’s Hospital explains the complexities of Justin’s condition and his amazing recovery.)
When Justin arrived at Baptist Children’s Hospital last November 21, he was gravely ill. Doctors diagnosed him with a severe case of pneumonia that caused acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a severe, life-threatening medical condition in which the lungs swell as a response to trauma or infection. He was in critical condition, and for more than two weeks, his healthcare team knew Justin faced an uncertain future.
Nearly three-and-a-half months later, Justin is finally headed home. He looks forward to opening Christmas presents that were saved for him and playing video games in his own room. An infection in his hip was discovered to be the cause of his pneumonia. The infection had to be treated, and as a result Justin had to work with physical therapists to learn to walk again.
Doctors, nurses and therapists who were touched by Justin’s amazing journey to recovery celebrated his discharge from the hospital with an emotional farewell party.
The Baptist Health South Florida News Team was there: Watch it Now!
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