
Watch Now: Holiday Message From Pastoral Care

Happy Holidays!

The holidays are a special time — a season filled with celebrations, powerful feelings and memories. It’s a wonderful time to be with friends and family and to rejoice with each other. Yet, the holidays can also be challenging. Sometimes our joys and our sorrows seem magnified under the bright lights of the season.

It is important to clear our minds and hearts so we can focus on the right priorities, including realistic expectations that we can gift wrap with helpful and healthy resolutions.

Let’s realize and understand the difference between those things that are fictional and fabricated and those that shine extra light on the true meaning of the season. Let’s be fully present in the moment and give ourselves the gift of avoiding unrealistic expectations that can lead to distress and sometimes even illness.

With so much vying for our attention, how do we find balance? We can begin with the simple recognition that at the heart of this season is a message of simplicity; that the true gift – God being with us – is already ours.

As a faith-based organization, Baptist Health South Florida follows a guiding principle: “Through compassionate healthcare services, we seek to reveal the healing presence of God.”

We believe that health and wellness can be obtained and sustained with a balance of high standards of care and a holistic approach to our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

As we move through the holidays and into the New Year, we sincerely wish you and your loved ones will see through the distractions and demands of these busy days and be blessed with things that have lasting and eternal value – love, hope, peace and the constant awareness of God in your life.

These gifts of the heart cannot be bought. Instead, they are freely given. Best of all, the more blessings are shared, the more they multiply.

May your joy be abundant, and may God bless you.

Healthcare that Cares

With internationally renowned centers of excellence, 12 hospitals, more than 28,000 employees, 4,500 physicians and 200 outpatient centers, urgent care facilities and physician practices spanning Miami-Dade, Monroe, Broward and Palm Beach counties, Baptist Health is an anchor institution of the South Florida communities we serve.

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