ankle bracing


Orthopedic Surgeon’s Insights: Should You Brace or Tape Your Ankles for Basketball, Other Sports?

Baptist Health Orthopedic Care

A common question that orthopedic specialists and surgeons hear from patients, especially those who are avid basketball players: Should I wear ankle braces or tape my ankles? The answer is more nuanced than a simple yes or no, particularly for individuals with a history of ankle sprains.

It’s probably a good idea to invest in ankle braces because bracing has shown to prevent recurrent injuries, explains Frantz Lerebours, M.D., orthopedic surgeon at Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.

Frantz Lerebours, M.D., orthopedic surgeon at Baptist Health Orthopedic Care.

“Now, does every single person who gets on the basketball court need an ankle brace? The answer is: No,” said Dr. Lerebours. In the National Basketball Association (NBA), not all players brace their ankles, even though the NBA incident rate of ankle sprains is as high as 25 percent in any given season, he adds.

The benefit of ankle braces is twofold. “No. 1, it actually limits the range of motion of your ankle,” explains Dr. Lerebours. “So, if your ankle is going through an inversion injury, it actually stops your ankle from going through that full motion, where it actually tears the ligaments of the ankle.”

The second benefit of braces is referred to as “enhanced proprioception” – referring to the body’s ability to sense its position in space. “That gives you a  kind of added neural or brain support that will help you prevent your ankles from going through a high-risk range of motion,” adds Dr. Lerebours.

Ankle Bracing vs. Ankle Taping

While ankle taping can also provide support, it comes with its own set of challenges. First, taping requires someone skilled in athletic training to do it effectively. It's difficult to tape your own ankles without experience.

Additionally, the effectiveness of taping can diminish over the course of a game or practice. As athletes sweat, the tape may loosen, reducing its protective benefits.

“As you start to sweat, the actual stability that the tape provides starts to diminish over time,” said Dr. Lerebours. “The other variable thing is the consistency of the taping. It can be a little bit tighter or a little bit looser  -- depending on who's doing it.  And somebody's has got to be able to do it for you.”

Ultimately, the decision to brace or tape should be based on individual needs, activity level, and history of injuries. If you're unsure about the best approach for your ankle health, consider consulting an orthopedic specialist or surgeon who can provide personalized advice.

“For recreational athletes,  if you have a  history of ankle sprains, you're probably better off investing in a good ankle brace,” said Dr. Lerebours. “It’s going to provide you that consistency. And you'll get used to playing in the brace.”

In addition to basketball, here are other sports that may increase the risk of ankle sprains, along with the preventive measures that can be taken in addition to possibly bracing or taping:

  • Soccer or football: Quick direction changes, sudden stops, and physical contact make soccer or football players susceptible to ankle injuries. Proper warm-ups, strengthening exercises, and wearing appropriate footwear can help reduce risk.

  • Running: Uneven surfaces and improper footwear can lead to ankle sprains, especially on trails or rocky paths. Choosing well-fitting shoes designed for the specific running terrain and gradually increasing intensity can help.

  • Tennis or Pickleball: The rapid lateral movements and sudden sprints common in tennis, or pickleball to a lesser degree, often strain the ankles. Strengthening the ankle muscles and practicing agility drills can enhance stability.

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