Global Leadership Summit, Exercise After Heart Attacks & Other News
2 min. read
Written By: John Fernandez and Sharon Harvey Rosenberg
Published: August 15, 2014
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Written By: John Fernandez and Sharon Harvey Rosenberg
Published: August 15, 2014
Disponible en Español
The 2014 Global Leadership Summit attracted a crowd of more than 89,000 participants from 108 locations around the world who gathered to hear insights about leadership, faith and communications.
The annual event, organized by the Willow Creek Community Church, is broadcast from Illinois to different regional hubs, including Christ Journey Church in Coral Gables. That’s where 220 participants gathered locally to listen to broadcast presentations from filmmaker Tyler Perry, GE CEO Jeffrey Immelt, Carly Fiorina, former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, among others.
On the local stage, there were also live presentations from Brian E. Keeley, president and CEO of Baptist Health South Florida, and D. Wayne Brackin, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Baptist Health.
“Leaders have a sacred responsibility to develop the potential of our employees,” Mr. Keeley told the crowd. “At Baptist Health our most important stakeholders are our patients, and our employees are our most important asset.”
To illustrate that point, Mr. Brackin recalled his personal experience during Hurricane Andrew. In August 1992, he was a young leader at Homestead Hospital and was worried if anyone would be able to show up for work after such a catastrophic storm. But he was greeted by 200 hospital employees who — despite their own hardships — reported for work to take care of patients.
“We learned a simple leadership lesson. If you as a leader care, your employees will care back,” Mr. Brackin said. “We as leaders made them feel part of a family and part of a greater purpose.”
A collection of popular quotes and insights from the Global Leadership Summit are available on under the category #GLS2014.
New Study: Exercise and Heart Attack Survivors?
There may be such a thing as too much exercise, especially for heart attack survivors, says a new study.
Researchers targeted 2,400 heart attack survivors and found that the more the survivors exercised, the less risk they faced of dying from heart disease — but this is true only up to a point.
Benefits to health began to decline among those who ran more than 30 miles per week, or more than four miles a day. Among walkers, those who did more than 46 miles per week, or 6.5 miles per day, were overdoing it.
There was a statistically significant heart-health risk linked to the highest levels of exercise, said the study, led by Paul Williams of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and Paul Thompson of the Department of Cardiology at Hartford Hospital.
Heart attack survivors are encouraged to exercise regularly to improve their cardiac health, but this new research suggests there’s a point of diminishing returns. The heart attack survivors who exercised too much only represented 6 percent of the group, the study found.
The study was limited to heart attack survivors, and was not applied to healthy adults who exercise intensively.
Here are more articles on how much exercise is healthy for you:
Fast-Food Giant Offers Whole Fruits
One fast-food giant is planning to add fruits to its kids’ meals selection after years of criticism from nutritionists pushing for healthier options for children.
The fast-food restaurant company is increasingly looking at whole fruits that would rotate seasonally, according to USA Today. Cuties (seedless clementines that are easy to peel), “junior” bananas and blueberries are some of the fruit offerings being tested.
The company tried offering baby carrots with the kiddie meals, but the trial flopped. Finding vegetables that kids can get excited about is a tougher challenge, a company executive said.
We’ve addressed children’s nutrition in these articles:
Healthcare that Cares
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