Patient receiving medical care through his laptop


Care On Demand Ushers in a New Era in Digital Health

For those old enough to remember when doctors used to makehouse calls, there is a fast-growing trend in healthcare that now brings thedoctor to you via your phone, tablet or computer.

Baptist Health South Florida launched its virtual urgentcare service, Care On Demand, in 2017. But it’s making a bigger push this year as more andmore people have discovered its advantages and grown comfortable with the ideaof virtual visits with their doctor.

“Virtual medicine is growing in popularity because it’sconvenient, accessible and affordable. Our visits have increased 500 percentover last year,” said David Mishkin M.D., Medical Director of Baptist Health Care On Demand. “We seeit as the future of healthcare, and we aim to be a leader in that space.”

Baptist Health, the largest not-for-profit health system inSouth Florida, pioneered the concept of urgent care centers in the region andtoday has 25 such centers from the Florida Keys to Palm Beach County. Care OnDemand is a natural extension of Baptist Health’s urgent care network, allowingpatients with non-life-threatening illness or injury to bypass busy emergencyrooms and get 24/7 online access to its trusted doctors and specialists.

Baptist Health Care On Demand is easy to use. Patientssimply download the free Care On Demand app on their iPhone, laptop orcomputer, provide a bit of personal information, and then request a virtualvisit that immediately connects them with a Baptist Health doctor.Consultations typically last 10 to 15 minutes and, if prescription medicinesare needed, they can be sent instantly to your pharmacy.

While the service is intended to complement – not replace –traditional visits with your doctor, the advantages of Care On Demand areeasily appreciated.

Benefits of Using BaptistHealth Care On Demand

     • No appointment required. Get instant onlineaccess – in real time, nationwide – to a Baptist Health doctor or specialist 24hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.

     • You no longer have to take hours away fromyour busy schedule to drive to your doctor’s office and then wait to be seen.

     • You can get the urgent care you need for awide variety of non-life-threatening conditions, without the wait times andcost of a hospital-based emergency room.

     • No waiting for the pharmacy to fill yourprescription; it will be ready and waiting for you by the time you get there.(Some pharmacy chains even offer free delivery to your home or office.)

    • No surprise charges – virtual visits arejust $59 and no subscription is required nor insurance needed. Baptist HealthCare On Demand also comes with a no-risk, money-back guarantee.

Baptist Health Care On Demand started the year with threeservice lines – Urgent Care, Mental Health Counseling, and Psychiatry – and hassince added Cancer Symptom Management, Breastfeeding Support, Weight LossSurgery Follow-up, and Diet & Nutrition. More Care On Demand services willbe added in the future.

Brian E. Keeley, President & CEO, Baptist Health South Florida

In a letter published Sunday, September 15 in all the majorlocal newspapers, Brian E. Keeley, President & CEO of Baptist Health SouthFlorida, invited all area residents to experience this new way to see a doctor.

“This is just one of many ways Baptist Health is makingaffordable healthcare easier and more convenient for you,” Mr. Keeley wrote.“To celebrate this milestone in digital health, we are offering a FREE onlineurgent care visit to everyone who lives in South Florida. We want you toexperience a better way to get better!”

People who want to take advantage of the offer can use thecode FREEURGENTCARE when launchingthe app for their first virtual visit, according to Mr. Keeley.

Healthcare that Cares

With internationally renowned centers of excellence, 12 hospitals, more than 28,000 employees, 4,500 physicians and 200 outpatient centers, urgent care facilities and physician practices spanning Miami-Dade, Monroe, Broward and Palm Beach counties, Baptist Health is an anchor institution of the South Florida communities we serve.

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