Benign Breast Clinic Treats Non-Cancerous Breast Conditions
2 min. read
When one discovers a lump in the breast or experiencespain or discomfort in the breast area, the mind immediately jumps to the worst scenario:breast cancer. Not all breast changes or abnormalities are caused by cancer,however. Nevertheless, a thorough medical examination and diagnosis isessential to rule out the possibility.
The Benign Breast Clinic at Miami Cancer Institute is a comprehensive clinic dedicated to diagnosing and treating patients who have experienced breast changes, breast pain and other noncancerous breast problems. Primary care physicians with training in breast health provide patients with expert clinical care, assisted by a support team of academically trained and Board-certified breast surgeons, breast imagers and advanced practice providers.
“The Benign Breast Clinic has been a great addition to our Breast Program as it provides exceptional care and expertise to patients with noncancerous breast conditions,” says Jane Mendez, M.D., FACS, a breast surgical oncologist and chief of breast surgery at Miami Cancer Institute, which is part of Baptist Health South Florida.
The Benign Breast Clinic sees the full range of benignconditions of the breast, including:
Fibroadenomas — The mostcommon benign solid tumors found in the female breast, fibroadenomas are round,rubbery, slippery lumps that move freely in the breast when pushed. They formas the result of excess formation of lobules (milk-producing glands) and stroma(connective tissue in the breast). Fibroadenomas are usually painless. Theyoccur most often between the ages of 20 and 40 and are more common in AfricanAmerican women.
Fibrocystic changes —Changes in hormone balances during normal, monthly menstrual cycles can create,for some women, symptomatic breast changes referred to as fibrocystic changes.Tenderness and lump size commonly increase the week before the menstrual periodand lessen a week after. The lumps may be hard or rubbery and can appear as asingle breast lump that may be large or small. Fibrocystic changes also canappear as thickening of the breast tissue. Fibrocystic changes can occur in oneor both breasts and are the most common cause of benign breast lumps in women betweenthe ages of 35 and 50.
Breast cysts — Thesebenign cysts – tiny, fluid-filled sacs that usually occur in both breasts – feellike lumps and vary in size. Tenderness and lump size often change with thewoman’s menstrual cycle.
Gynecomastia — This is acondition that causes tender, enlarged breasts in boys and men – often with alump beneath the nipple. It can happen due to a hormone imbalance in the bodyor may be related to certain medications.
If a patient’s breast problem indicates cancer, a referral will be made to Miami Cancer Institute’s Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Program. The team consists of academically trained, Board-certified physicians and surgeons, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists and plastic reconstructive surgeons who subspecialize in the care of patients with breast cancer.
To learn more about Miami Cancer Institute’s Benign Breast Clinic and the Multidisciplinary Breast Cancer Program, call 786-526-2000 or visit MiamiCancerInstitute.com.
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