Automated Temperature Screening Comes to Baptist Health
2 min. read
Because of the coronavirus pandemic, going to the hospital oremergency room now means getting screened at the entry and, once inside,following strict safety guidelines that include social distancing, wearingmasks, and other measures meant to protect patients and staff alike.
Now, the screening process at entry points has been enhanced withthe addition of new automated temperature screening kiosks at all BaptistHealth South Florida hospitals, emergency rooms, urgent care centers and otherfacilities.
“With automated, non-contact temperature screening, you simplystep up to the device and in less than a second, it lets you know if you have afever,” says JonathanFialkow, M.D., deputy medical director, chief of cardiology at MiamiCardiac & Vascular Institute and chief population health officer forBaptist Health South Florida. “The technology is completely safe and accurate.It will even remind you to place your mask on.”
The installation of automated temperature screeners is just oneexample of the lengths Baptist Health has gone to in order to keep patients andstaff safe during the pandemic. Dr. Fialkow says investing in the automatedtemperature scanners was an easy decision for the health system, which has 10hospitals and more than 50 outpatient centers from the Florida Keys up to PalmBeach County.
“Nothing is more important than the safety and wellbeing of ourpatients and our employees,” Dr. Fialkow adds. “These automated screeningdevices are helping us keep our hospitals safe for everyone, with the addedbenefit of streamlining the entry process. We want people to know it’s safe forthem to seek care at every one of our facilities.”
Doctors from almost every specialty at Baptist Health and across the country have reported a steep drop in patients during the pandemic as some people delay care because they’re afraid of exposure to COVID-19.
Dr. Fialkow advises people to be proactive about their health. “Keep up with your diagnostics, your annual exams, and your flu shots, wear a mask whenever you go out, and by all means if you have a serious illness or injury, call 911 or get to the hospital immediately,” he says. “We’re ready to care for you.”
Concerned you may have coronavirus?
Use our online Coronavirus Assessment tool or call our COVID-19 hotline, 1-833-MYBAPTIST (833-692-2784). To see a doctor on your phone from the comfort and safety of your home, download Baptist Health Care On Demand.
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