Over the years Baptist Health has developed and nurtured a corporate culture of integrity. In fact, our mission statement describes our commitment to the highest principles of integrity and moral practice. To help us live up to our standards, the Board of Trustees has chartered the Audit & Compliance Committee. Under the Committee’s direction, the Audit & Compliance Department has developed a world-class Corporate Compliance Program, structured to include those best practices needed to prevent, detect, and respond to allegations of unethical or illegal activity.

Corporate Compliance

The Code of Ethics is the cornerstone of our Corporate Compliance Program. The Code describes the standards Baptist Health has adopted and communicates our expectations that all stakeholders will adhere to those standards. It also contains information regarding our non-retaliation policy; a policy that strictly prohibits retaliation for reporting a suspected violation in good faith. In fact, we have developed many policies and procedures that provide specific guidance related to the topics discussed in our Code of Ethics.

To access any of our corporate compliance policies, click here.

Reports of suspected or actual violations of our Code of Ethics can be made to any member of management throughout Baptist Health. In addition, the Code of Ethics contains a long list of contacts available to anyone who wishes to report a suspected violation. Anonymous reports may be made to the Compliance Hotline, which is available 24/7, at 888-492-9329.

Baptist Health conducts all of its business activities based upon the core values of integrity and transparency. To this end, we have adopted rigorous conflict of interest policies for our Board and our employees. Adherence to these policies helps us to ensure that our business activities are conducted according to the best interests of Baptist Health, thereby allowing us to fulfill our not-for-profit mission of serving our community.

The Audit & Compliance Department is independent of management and reports directly to the Audit & Compliance Committee. Through a structured program of auditing, monitoring, education, awareness, and response, the Department assists the Board of Trustees in their oversight activities. To contact the department directly, dial 786-662-7352 or e-mail ContactCompliance@Baptisthealth.net.

Report to the Community

The mission of Baptist Health is to improve the health and well-being of individuals, and to promote the sanctity and preservation of life, in the communities we serve. Baptist Health is a faith-based organization guided by the spirit of Jesus Christ and the Judeo-Christian ethic. We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of clinical and service excellence, enhanced through teaching, research and innovation, and rooted in the utmost integrity and moral practice. Consistent with its spiritual foundation, Baptist Health is dedicated to providing high-quality, cost-effective, compassionate healthcare services to all, regardless of religion, creed, race or national origin, including, as permitted by its resources, charity care to those in need.

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